If you hold a stipend position on a MEA committee please pass in a time sheet to Kathy DeChane and send it to her at Jaworek so that she can get you your half year stipend.
Our MEA banners were hung outside the ECC to mark the annual National Education Week. A big thank you goes out to Andy White who graciously hangs them for us every year. A picture is attached.
The MTA has asked each district to take a vote of no confidence in DESE. If you receive emails from the MTA then you may have seen the MTA email last week. The Eboard voted this week to bring this to the membership for a vote. A Survey Monkey will be going out for you to look at the letter of no confidence and vote as to whether or not the MEA would be added to the list of locals who have taken a vote of no confidence in DESE.
The Marlborough Food Pantry has seen an increase in the number of families it needs to support this holiday season. The MEA is holding a food drive to support the Pantry. Attached is a flyer with a list of items that are in high demand as well as a link to the website for anyone that would like to make a monetary donation. Boxes will be located at the main offices of every building to start donations as of Monday, December 7th. Whitcomb will have a box at the front, rear and DEC entrances. The boxes will be brought to the Food Pantry on Thursday, December 17th. Thank you for supporting the families with whatever donation you can make.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend!