Hello Fellow Educators,
I wanted to take a few moments introduce myself.
My name is Elton Thomas and I am the new president of your MEA. I am a high school social studies teacher and I am entering my 19th year at MPS. The MEA is here to support you and advocate for the needs of our members. We are an active and committed union that strives to improve the well being of our members.
We also need your help. There are several open building and district MEA positions. Please see the list of open positions below. If you have the drive to help your fellow members, please contact me to talk about a role you might be able to fill.
Lastly, we are entering a contract negotiation year. There will be informational meetings about the negotiations process. I plan to do these meetings in each building in late September and early October. If you would like to know more about negotiations, I encourage you to attend these meetings. Thank you and I look forward to working with you in the upcoming school year.
Elton Thomas
Open Positions:
District Wide
1 City Insurance Committee
High School
2 negotiations positions
1 Grievance rep
1 building rep position
1 By laws Committee
1 Grievance Rep
1 Grievance Rep
1 By Laws Committee
1 Professional Development Committee
1 Negotiations Rep
1 By Laws Committee